The Electoral Roll
What is the electoral roll?
Though we are many, we are one body, because we all share in one bread (1 Corinthians 10:17 expressed in Holy Communion, Common Worship)
Every parish church in the Church of England has an electoral roll. Simply put, it is a list of people who are connected with or a part of The Parish of Marton with Easterside, perhaps by attending worship or living nearby. It is a helpful record of who, and how many people, are connected with each parish church. The roll size contributes to decisions about the collection and distribution of resources.
I’m already on the electoral roll. What’s this about a new one?
Every six years we ‘tear up’ the whole electoral roll and start again with a blank page. 2025 is the year we start again so no one is on the electoral roll unless they have completed an application by 27th April 2025.
Why should I join the electoral roll?
Join because it’s an official recognition that you are connected with and a part of The Parish of Marton with Easterside (and Coulby Newham) and playing your part in following Jesus here, to God’s glory. It is you saying ‘This is my church’.
It also gives you rights to stand for election, nominate and vote for members of our Parochial Church Council (PCC). They are the Trustees of The Parish of Marton with Easterside and responsible for the finances and buildings of the church, working with the Vicar in Christ’s mission here in this parish.
There are other rights too, such as, permitting you and those related to you can get married here or having your cremated remains buried here. These rights aren’t exclusive to electoral roll members, but if you or your family live elsewhere, then it can be a supporting factor.
Who can be on it?
To join the electoral roll, you must be:
- 16 years or over. (If you are 15, you can complete a form and we will add you when you turn 16.)
- Baptised into the Christian faith
- A lay person (not an ordained person)
You should also consider yourself to be a part of the Church of England and either live within the parish boundary or attend worship here.
What is expected of me if I am on the electoral roll?
There are no specific expectations. We invite everyone to take an active part in our life together in God’s Growing Kingdom through prayer, worship, events and volunteering. You might also like to consider any contribution you can make, including financial donations or offerings of time and skills.
We also encourage electoral roll members to attend and engage with our annual meeting (APCM) where our Trustees are elected onto the PCC and the previous year is reviewed.
What happens to my information?
We are committed to keeping your information safe, and information is collected and processed in line with our Privacy Policy. All the information requested is needed to confirm you are eligible for the electoral roll and to communicate with you about this.
We will publish only your name in church and online in 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030. We will not publish your address, email address or any other information you provide.
What if I also attend another church?
If you attend another Anglican church, you can be on more than one electoral roll, as long as you meet the criteria above.
If you attend churches of different denominations, you’re welcome to be on our electoral roll if you consider yourself part of the Church of England.
How do I join?
Further information and help
If you have questions, you can email our Electoral Roll officer Mike Neal on
Find out in which parish you live using A Church Near You:
Church Representation Rules which set out the rules for electoral rolls:
For help about next steps in faith, pastoral support or joining the PCC, please contact the Vicar: