8am Holy Communion (2nd Sunday of the Month)
This is a quiet reflective ‘said’ service (no music or hymns) that uses Common Worship (modern liturgy). The service is Holy Communion where we confess our sins, receive God’s forgiveness, hear Readings from the Bible, listen to a sermon, and gather around the Lord’s Table to receive bread and wine in memory of the sacrifice and death of Jesus, for our sins and those of the world. This service lasts about 45 minutes.
10am Holy Communion
This is our most regular 10am service that uses Common Worship (modern liturgy). In the service we confess our sins, receive God’s forgiveness, hear readings from the Bible, listen to a sermon, and gather around the Lord’s Table to receive bread and wine in memory of the sacrifice and death of Jesus, for our sins and those of the world. We also sing hymns and worship songs. This service lasts about 1 hour 10 minutes.
10am All Age Worship (2nd Sunday of the Month)
A more interactive service aimed at all ages including songs, prayers, Bible readings and a talk. Some months it will also include Holy Communion. We also welcome those recently baptised into the wider church family at this service.
4Pm Family Church at four (in the Parish Centre)
This is an informal, active and interactive service for all ages. We use games, crafts and activities to explore a bible story. The service lasts about an hour and then ends with a simple shared meal. Click here to find out more.
7pm Night Prayer/Compline (3rd Sunday of the month)
A short, reflective service to end the day in quietness and peace. It usually lasts 20 minutes.
10am Holy Communion (in St Agnes Chapel, Parish Centre)
A simple, said Communion service.
10am Morning Prayer (1st Weds of the month)
A simple, said service of prayers and readings.